Sports & More

Education must be the primary goal of an institution. But if you add sports also with the curriculum the children become more confident. Not only this, it also contributes to the overall development of a child. Sports itself is a career and gives an opportunity to represent yourself and the country on the international front. Therefore we motivate children to join sports by providing them a competitive environment. In addition there are other activities to differentiate them from the crowd.


There is an in-house Skating rink where children are trained by a coach. Children give skating performances on various occasions like Independence day, Sports day.


A professionally trained coach teaches little children this Korean art of defense. This is an important activity to make children strong in mind and body. Children present their taekwon-do skills at each presentation besides participating in competitions.

Drama & Role Play

Dramatization of stories and stage plays are organized from time to time to expand the child’s imagination and stimulate his creative expression. Children are then enrolled to create own stories with the help of the class teachers.

Educational Trips

Educational trips are organized every month keeping in mind the concepts being taken up in the class such as Traffic Training Park, ATMs, Big Bazaar, Mother Dairy etc.

Excursion & Picnic

Children are taken on fun filled outings and field trips to farmhouses, Zoo, Children’s Park and Railway Museum etc. every quarter.


Every quarter, children demonstrate skills acquired in that period in front of their parents, enabling them to understand the growth and level of development of their child. Feedback at the end of the presentation helps the teachers to work towards better performance.


To further explore the hidden potential of the child, regular competitions are held which boost the confidence of the children, instill in them a healthy spirit of competition and remove stage fright.